Durham, NC 27708

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Durham, NC 27708 Real Estate & Homes For Sale

Nearby EV Charging Stations

Here are the closest EV Charging stations within a 2 Mile Radius of this location.
Station Name: 1600 Hillandale Rd
Address: 1600 Hillandale Rd, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Neal's Garage
Address: 1907 W Markham Ave, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Shops at Erwin Mill
Address: 737 9th St, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: NCMLS North Lot
Address: 433 W Murray Ave, Durham, NC 27704
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: DUKEPTS PG2 LEVEL 3
Address: 2250 Erwin Rd, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Address: Yearby Ave at Anderson St, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Hertz Local Edition #5887-20 - Tesla Destination
Address: 3601 Hillsborough Rd, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: DUKEPTS RDG1
Address: 105 Research Dr, Durham, NC 27706
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: RDUAA - AC Hotel Durham
Address: 2800 Erwin Road, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Trinity Properties
Address: 2724 Campus Walk Ave, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Trinity Prop 2720 Brown Ave
Address: 2720 Brown Ave, Durham, NC 27705
Fuel Type Code: ELEC

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