Syracuse, NY 13212

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Syracuse, NY 13212 Real Estate & Homes For Sale

Nearby EV Charging Stations

Here are the closest EV Charging stations within a 2 Mile Radius of this location.
Station Name: Syracuse Hancock International Airport Parking
Address: 499 Col Eileen Collins Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13212
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Palace Court Apartments East
Address: 436-438 S Main St, Syracuse, NY 13212
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: 117 South Main
Address: 117 S. Main St, Syracuse, NY 13212
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Address: 106 Fergerson Ave, Syracuse, NY 13212
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Northern Syracuse Library
Address: 100 Trolley Barn Lane, North Syracuse, NY 13212
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: CopperTop Tavern Cicero
Address: 7777 Brewerton Rd., East Syracuse, NY 13212
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: BURDICK BMW CP6K1
Address: 5947 E Circle Drive, Cicero, NY 13039
Fuel Type Code: ELEC
Station Name: Burdick Nissan
Address: 5885 E Circle Dr, Cicero, NY 13039
Fuel Type Code: ELEC

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